
The web definition has its own way of making the term look more professional without being 'sensitive' enough towards the person who's being called that.

 The other day I was called insensitive by someone who tags people in only 2 forms - Virgins & non- virgins! I find myself shocked, more so because of the quickness of the things that happened last night. And it only makes me wonder if being an insensitive woman is really such a bad thing.

 I'm a peace loving person and strongly believe in 'What doesn't kill you, makes you strong'. I don't have an opinion about too many things in life. I don't judge. I don't let myself wander on unpleasant incidences for too long. I can laugh it off. You can't make me cry for too long.  I can't stand nonsense for too long, in other words.

If that's insensitive, I'm up for it!

Now, seeing the brighter side of what happened lately, I realise there are more brownie points in store for me than I had expected. Firstly, this was my first ever (major) arguement; and i'm glad it was only through mails because the insensitive girl breaks down when she tries to act strong. It was quite an experience! :D

And secondly, it sort of feels good to know that you no more have to waste your hard earned money messaging and trying to make them feel better over a 10-year-old-like-fight or spend hours consoling someone WHO CALLS ME INSENSITIVE!

I could charge for the amount of advice gone behind this whole drama for over a year! But that's alright. I don't mind helping the poor and the needy.

And as far as my 'sensitivity' goes; I guess one will have to wait for some more decades to see that happen. Yes I will continue to be practical. I will continue to read the other side of the story and not go 'aww' when you give me your shit! I swear I will continue to hate soft toys. 

And if I can take care of myself with all those insensitive emotions, so can you.

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