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How much art can one fit in on one street?
Home Tour - I
Work Diary
And she post-graduates!
She was always told that she’s a person of few words. She, today, makes a correction- She’s a person of few audible words. Lingered less in public..always. But poured out on the last day of her college’s official farewell meet. Virtually of course, she need not mention.
So this one’s for all the 58 similar-emotion-oozing classmates (she being the 59th) Cheers! Nice knowing you guys..
A deactivated facebook account and its after-effects

As I type this into Google I realise its either me who has a big one (an ego), or the one on my mind right now, who has a bigger one; for the fact that I typed THAT into Google to know what it actually means. Yes, I could act jobless at times. Anyway, so Google says Ego is “an inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others” and/or “your consciousness of your own identity”. For reasons known only to me, I’d want to buy the latter of the two.
Cool! So ‘my consciousness of my own identity’ is what it is. And all this while I thought it was a friendship gone bad because I had nothing in common to talk about any longer & because the ‘friend’ had other she-priorities in life. Silly me!
And now, having written all that, I’m sure I’m going to think a million times before posting this piece :\
Ahh well, the Bitch-part of my brain does seem to have won the brawl against the Good-part ;)